12 weeks and counting
I just got a notice from our aboutmybaby website. It is going out of business and will be shutting down. So, from now on, I will be posting all my updates and pictures on this website. You can subscribe and get an email when I post, just like the other website. I am sad to see the other site go – it was always fun for me to go and look back at old pics of how little Marielle was and how stupid I sounded on that video when she rolled over! You would have thought she was elected president or something the way I was screaming!
So, Aliza has been doing much better and has stopped crying so much. She still cries, but all babies do. We brought her to the doctor countless amount of times and couldn’t figure a good reason for all her crying. We still don’t know, but I am sure glad it’s better!! Hopefully soon, we’ll be able to take her out more and start enjoying her!!
She is so YUMMY!! I could just eat her head off!!
And she rolled over the other day!! I put her down for tummy time, and there she goes rolling over like 5 or 6 times. We were making such a big deal over it, Marielle went and laid right next to her on her tummy and waited for us to cheer for her. We had to tell her to roll over and clap for her like she had never done it before. It was funny to see her do what Aliza was doing. I know when she grows up the tables will be turned and she will get sick of Aliza wanting to do everything she does. I know my sister did!!
Marielle has been doing so good with Aliza! She constantly wants to kiss her and she says “baby” over and over and over. I have to watch her really close when we put Aliza down to play because Marielle still doesn’t understand quite how soft she has to be. She has hit her a few times and even accidentally stepped on her! But we just have to be really careful when they are together and I really can’t leave them alone for a second.
I started back to work this week and I have to say, it really has been great. I am a person that needs a good routine and I need to get up every morning and go somewhere. It is hard to drop off my 2 fun little girls, but I am so excited to go get them when I get off. I am working until 2 everyday, so usually if I can, I will go to the gym after work then pick them up. Instead of the gym one day this week, I went to the grocery store, because it is things like that I will not be able to do with 2 kids. Not yet anyway. Once Aliza can sit up, maybe. We’ll see. Anyhoo, work has been great. I missed my co-workers a lot and it is fun to go in and tell them about what the girls are doing and stuff. I am lucky to have a boss that lets me work part-time until 2 like she does. She really understands what it is like to be a mom and to need that time with your kids or to do other things, like grocery shop by yourself. Aliza did not get into Parkview, so she is at a lady’s house everyday. Her name is Mrs. Wendy and I really like her a lot. Coincidently, I know 2 other mom’s that send their kids to her and love her. I am excited about all the love Aliza will get from Mrs. Wendy.
We had Christmas with Jon’s family on New Years Day. All but one grandchild was there, so Jed had a packed house. Jaci and Aliza. Jaci wanted to hold Aliza so bad! She was very sweet with her.
Um, I think there was a game on – why were they sleeping?
I can’t say it enough – Jaci is so sweet, loving on Marielle and Aliza all day. She even loved me – when I wasn’t holding Marielle or Aliza, I was holding her!!! She kept saying she wanted “Marielle’s mom”!!
What could be more fun than a remote control and a huge box??
Jon and Marielle
More Jaci kisses…
Aunt Dawn getting her smooches in…
Hopefully I’ll get to update soon! And remember to “follow” this blog if you want to get an email when I post something!! It is in the left column at the top. You can just click where it says “follow” and put in your email address. I think…
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