2 is more than double 1…

I know – I swear I passed 2nd grade math, but by my calculations here at home, 2 kids is more than double 1 kid. It is more than double hard to get 2 kids ready to leave for daycare, more than double hard to get laundry done, and more than double hard to get the kitchen cleaned up – and one of the kids is still breastfeeding!!! Maybe it’s because they are so close in age and Marielle isn’t doing much for herself yet, like dressing herself or eating by herself. But getting them ready is proving to be more complicated than I thought…

I am back at work and loving it, but it does leave the house work lagging behind. I’m not much for housework anyway, so I guess it’s not that much of a loss! I love the maid!!

I have to be honest and say that I would not have it any other way around here. I don’t want to stay home all day everyday, just so the house can be picked up, dishes cleaned and clothes washed. I have always been a person who thrives on chaos. Just ask my mom. If I had tons of time to do my homework, I wouldn’t do it. But if I had a volleyball game or practice, I would hurry and do my homework so I could get to practice…It’s just more fun that way. I love my chaos!!

home 146 “Go ahead Marielle, dump that bucket of toys all over the floor. We’ll pick it up later…”


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