Marielle’s Thanksgiving Feast at school
It was a crazy Tuesday 2 weeks ago when the school called me at 11:00 and asked if I had forgotten that it was the Thanksgiving Feast day. They were serving lunch, for us and the kids. They saw that I had sent a full lunch in Marielle’s backpack (and her teacher also noticed her sloppy attire), so they thought that I might have forgotten that lunch was being served that day, and that I needed to be there at 12:00. I was in my workout clothes, still needed to shower and get dressed, and Aliza needed to get dressed (yes, sometimes she stays in her pajama’s until 11:00, or 12:00 or all day…). I scrambled to get ready and was there for 12:00, and I even got Jon to come too!! She ran to meet him, it was so cute.
The couple of times I have been at school with Marielle, I have noticed something. The first time I went for the Halloween party. Her teacher laughed and said I couldn’t come back because Marielle was misbehaving and running around like a wild woman. I didn’t know what was going on with her, but figured she was excited because Aliza and I were there and it was a party. Then I started talking to the assistant teacher, Mrs. Andree. She was telling me how much she loved Marielle and that Marielle was “hers”, like her special little girl, maybe even her favorite. Of course, a mom always loves that!! She went on to tell me that sometimes her own kids come to the classroom and they want to take Marielle home! Anyway, at the Thanksgiving Feast, I noticed Marielle was, once again, a WILD woman. She was dancing, talking and running all over the place. Aliza had just started walking, and was walking in the classroom. Marielle stopped and yelled, “LOOK – SHE’S WALKING!” to the whole class and all the parents. She is surely not shy around there. I think Marielle might be “the life of the party”. Another one of the dads at the Thanksgiving Feast was looking at his little girl and saying how shy she was being and she is not like that at home. I was thinking the same thing, but the opposite – Marielle seems to be more quiet at home, and CRAZY at school!! It’s funny what you learn about your kids by seeing them with other people.
Here are some more pics from the Feast:
Marielle’s sloppy outfit – not really cute enough for a FEAST!!
Mrs. Tara and Mrs. Andree are so awesome. They really get into it. That’s Mrs. Tara in the brown and Mrs. Andree in the pilgrim outfit.
Marielle’s construction paper pilgrim!
Mrs. Andree, wild woman Marielle, and Mrs. Tara
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